Where Natural Diamonds are Found ? 

Natural resources diamonds have been discovered in some 35 countries around the world over several continents.
Every piece of diamond has an interesting story behind it. Russia, Botswana and South Africa is the world's largest diamond producer of gem quality and Australia are the biggest industrial diamond producer. The most notable diamond deposits in Africa.

Africa - South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Tanzania and Sierra Leone, India, Russia - Siberia, South America - Brazil Australia - Northern and Western Australia China United States - Arkansas, Colorado and Wyoming Canada .
Diamonds are exposed to the hardest of all stones. Those who will be ways to dig these stones, even put to find many lives at risk in the diamond mining industry. Central and Southern African countries traditionally known as the world's largest supplier of diamonds. A diamond is very expensive for polishing and design. But with the discovery of diamond reserves in other countries, it is proved that Africa is the only continent that host diamond-producing countries. Moreover, it is no longer to hold the top land where most of the diamonds are found.

Locations of the Mines and where Fancy and white diamonds are Found :-

White - South Africa , Canada
Pink - Mainly Argyle Mine in Australia, Borneo, Brazil, Central Africa (rarely)
Orange - Congo
Purple - Sybiria, Argyle
Red - Argyle, Brazil
Yellow - Angola, Brazil, Borneo, Central Africa, Congo, Sierra Leone
Green - Borneo, Central Africa (rarely)
Brown - Australia (Argyle), Angola, Borneo, Brazil, Congo
Blue - Australia (Argyle), Borneo, Brazil, Central Africa (rarely), South Africa, India
Black - Central Africa

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