Tags: Bottom Revolving Claw 48X Tang (Dop)
Specification :-
- The D113 Bottom Revolving Claw 48X Tang is Specially Designed for the Full Cut Finish Polish in a Very Easier Way .
- This Tang (Dop) has Click Ring of 48X with colour Coding for High Precise Accuracy .
- This Tang (Dop) has Angle Plate which Indicates angles between 15° and 65°.
- Bottom Revolving Claw 96X Dop has Very Accurate Facet Screw with Precise Action .
- This Tang (Dop) Has Pot fitted in is of 8mm which Standard Size .
- The Tang (Dop) has very Precise Water Level To Balance the Tank Accurately .
Accessories :-
- Click Available :- 48X , 96X .
- Tank Available :- Light Weight , Medium Weight , Heavy Weight .
- Piston Pots .
- Piston Pot Support .
- Pronged Claws .
- Top Claws
NOTE :- If the Ordered Weight Is Above 30 Kgs Contact on :- info@hdpltools.com because the freight rates will be higher in courier mode.