Tags: Special Bottom Marquise Tang (Dop)
Specification :-
- The D123 Special Bottom Marquise Tang (Dop) is Our Special Series Dop which has Very Special Accurate Click Gear for the Marquise Shape Diamond and it has Helium Standard Azimuth Angle .
- The Special Bottom Marquise Dop is used for the Full Cut Finish Of the Bottom Work .
- This Tang (Dop) has Very Accurate Vernier Scale Angle Plate which indicates the Angles between 20° to 80° . The Accuracy for it is 0.1°.
- The Top Bottom Screw Nutt in the Dop is So much of Accurate of all .
- The Main and Important thing in the Tang (Dop) is it has Azimuth Waram Nutt which is used to Change Azimuth to 1° and it changes from 0 line to next line .
- Azimuth Waram Nutt is used Specially for Non Standard Ratio .
- The Tang (Dop) Includes Revolving Claw Holder .
- The Tang has Two Types of Leveling System in Medium Weight to Adjust the Level of the Tang Accurately .
Accessories :-
- Click Gear :- Special Bottom Marquise Click Gear .
- Tank Available :- Light Weight , Medium Weight , Heavy Weight .
- Pots :- Bottom Marquise Pots .
- Safety Claw Holder (As Per Requirement )
- Top Bottom Screw Nutt
- Special Azimuth Waram Nutt
- Pronged Claw .
NOTE :- If the Ordered Weight Is Above 30 Kgs Contact on :- info@hdpltools.com because the freight rates will be higher in courier mode.